Return of Fantastiko

This is it -- our piece of the rock, where we set the agenda and lay the smack down. Or (more likely) exchange ideas civilly, listen intently, and learn from each other and from our visitors. Fantastiko offers political fireworks, news that flies under the radar, and a safe place for constructive debate.

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Jigga who?

What am I doing posting?!?
Nan let me.
He has invited me to be a contributor to Fantastiko. Thanks for the phantom intro, bro. I prefer to step on stage welcomed by the roaring thunder of applause incited just by the mention of my name, but this is okay too.

This won't be much of a post--it's just brief message to guide your eyes down to the "comments" sections of the previous posts. You'll see that we have added some fancy HTML so you can see how many comments there are and who has made them--that way you don't have to actually click on the "comments" link to catch up and see if there is anything new. You'll notice that it lists the commenters' names, so if you're posting anonymously but signing your name at the end, you won't show up (that is, your posting will be listed, but it won't say who wrote it). You may want to consider registering with Blogger and getting a user name. It'll be fun, and free. But don't feel obligated. Thanks, Guille, for the idea; Nan, for the research; and JB, for the labor.

There may be some additional changes in the future...but I'm not sure what they will be. I guess the biggest difference is that I'll be posting stuff--stuff that is very different from what Nan posts. While Nan writes about welfare, national security, and elections, I'll write about unicorns, stickers, and kittens. Maybe I'll type up my latest made-up jokes; let you in on my latest catch-phrases that are taking America by storm. I don't know--could be anything.

One last thing: I have been advised to say that even though Nan and I are both contributing AND we're related, we don't necessarily have the same mind on many topics. Obviously. with that what you will and hopefully I'll put up a real post soon!



Blogger Carl said...

You're doing it -- you're really doing it!

As a true phantom presence on Fantastiko who often offers nothing more than my readership, let me be the first to welcome you. I look forward to the new and tricky facets you'll undoubtedly add to this gem of a blog.

This is like, soooh aohwesoame.

1:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thunderous applause and best wishes. Can't wait to read the latest about stickers.


4:53 PM  
Blogger The Decider said...

For all of you readers out there, you should know in advance that JB's opinions on stickers, unicorns and the occasional pony are not necessarily shared by me just because she's my sister. You should also know that JB thinks that the most significant movie ever made was "Baby." You know--the one about the baby brontosaurus? Well, I'm not sure if she thinks it's THE most significant, but it's definitely right up there (along with "Beaches").

Okay, I'm just kidding about the stickers. I take JB's word on all sticker-related issues. Also, in advance, I'd like you all to know that I agree with anything she has to say about art, web design, volleyball, Cornell, Alex, pre-teen dance groups, Judy Blume, bacon, hot-dogs, beef, Spanish, grammar, spelling, and other linguistic-related items in general.

Seriously, I couldn't be happier! I'm honored to have her on our blog. You're lucky people, readers! Y'all get to have a glimpse of this personality on a regular basis. It's going to be a hell of a good time for all of us. Charming is one word I would use to describe JB. Special is another. Odd is probably the most accurate.

(Ask her to tell you her famous Portuguese currency "joke" and you'll see what I mean.)

JB, what's the latest catch-phrase taking us by storm? Wait, don't tell me. I'm sure it'll get to Ohio eventually.

- Nan

10:13 PM  
Blogger Carla said...

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11:09 AM  
Blogger Carla said...

Damn, I was really looking forward to expanding my knowledge on unicorns

5:59 PM  

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