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Monday, March 13, 2006

Bill Frist: the bane of my existence.

So I was wrong (it happens from time to time). There are Democrats in Congress who are trying to find a way to hold Bush accountable for his careless treatment of intelligence gathering. Russ Feingold (D-Wisconsin), who is running for President and currently is in a dead heat in my book with John Edwards, is seeking a congressional censure (by the way, did you hear Edwards admitted his mistake for having voted to give Bush authority to take military action on Iraq?).

For those of you who remember the Sorkin West Wing days or were alive during Andrew Jackson’s administration, a censure is a resolution that officially wags a congressional finger at the President. It’s not that severe and has no legal implications, but it hurts the administration politically and goes down in the books as an official acknowledgment that Bush screwed up big. Feingold said that, “the president has broken the law, and, in some way, he must be held accountable.” It’s pretty clear that Congress won’t pass the resolution (they’re Republican—at least for now) and Bill Frist (R-Tenn) wants Bush’s support in 2008.

I applaud Feingold for his efforts. This will force republicans to strike down the measure and will allow the Press to talk about how they’re only willing to hold the President accountable when a vast majority of the public is behind them (e.g. the ports deal).

You should read this morning’s short article in the Post for more. Frist’s quotes are disgustingly familiar. We’re right back to the old bullshit: if we show “infighting” then we’re helping the terrorists.

Can we then blame 9/11 and any terrorist action during the Clinton administration entirely on Ken Starr?

The article notes the following response from Frist on implying that holding our own government accountable is treason:

Frist, appearing on ABC's "This Week," said that he hoped al-Qaeda and other U.S. enemies were not listening to the infighting. "The signal that it sends, that there is in any way a lack of support for our commander in chief who is leading us with a bold vision in a way that is making our homeland safer, is wrong.”

If this as simplistically true as Frist makes it sound, then we need to cancel the presidential race right now for 2008, amend the Constitution to allow a third term (or beyond), and let the President reign as King.


Blogger The Decider said...

...a follow-up on this story ran in the Post this morning. I'm ashamed to call myself a democrat today. They should fire every strategist in the Party if their best advice is not to seek a censure.

2:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have only one excuse for the democrats (believe me, I tried to think of at least TWO, but one is all I could up with...). I don't know why they're doing what they are doing (i.e., nothing). But I do know that this is the time for the current administration to self-destruct, and they are right on their way to do that all by themselves. As in many other situations in the past, the reps need to blame others. The democrats are the obvious target, and all it takes is a Feingold or a Hillary sound bite, and they'd have what they need, an excuse to shift the focus on them and blame them for everything that's wrong in the universe. There will be plenty of that later this summer when the next fraudulent election comes up. For the moment, it's time for the reps to build their excellent resume with their achievements and plentiful successes. The polls indicate they are doing a wonderful job at that. Two more months of that, and they'll be way on the other side of any chance of recovery, and not even blaming the democrats will help.
Of course, I don't think the democrats are PLANNING that, it just happens to agree with their laissez-faire attitude. For once, it might be the right thing to do...

The Guish. I forgot my password

8:16 PM  

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