Return of Fantastiko

This is it -- our piece of the rock, where we set the agenda and lay the smack down. Or (more likely) exchange ideas civilly, listen intently, and learn from each other and from our visitors. Fantastiko offers political fireworks, news that flies under the radar, and a safe place for constructive debate.

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Just trying...

to keep this blog... alive... *wheeze* ...

We should figure out how to archive this content before it disappears into the blog graveyard due to inactivity.

Why? I can think of a handful of reasons:

1) So we can avoid that icky "so many hours of thought, down the drain" feeling.
2) For blackmail money, in case any of us ever decides to run for public office.
3) To settle bets as to who uses better online grammar.
4) So we'll be able to prove to our children and grandchildren how "hip" we were in the "old days".
5) To give Joe something fun and interesting to read at work.

I'm sure there are others. Now, does anyone know how to download this stuff easily?