Democrats have many problems. Among them, they’re losing the framing battle over the NSA spying issue. While the media has been giving substantial attention to the issue of legality, the President has aggressively framed the argument in terms of the program’s impact on national security.
Emphasizing that he is acting within the law without specifying exactly how so, he has narrowly focused his argument: individual liberties should come second to collective security. In a brilliant move to reinforce this frame, the Dept. of Justice has launched an investigation to see who leaked information about the program to the New York Times. The message is clear: we’re not even questioning the legality of the program, so we’re turning our attention to the effectiveness of the program. The program can’t be effective if its classified, secretive nature is disturbed, and someone is going to pay for compromising the program. (This message, by the way, serves as a convenient message to current government officials that the leaking—I call it whistle-blowing—must stop or they’ll be sorry.) Missing from this frame is the virtue of separation of powers.
What are the democrats to do? Should they press hard and step up the rhetoric on the issue of legality—a position that the press seems eager to discuss? I would try to reframe the issue in terms of the constitutional and legislative questions it raises, as opposed to the usefulness of the program. But in doing so, would they be left vulnerable to loud attacks of being soft on terror? Don’t forget that they have to make this argument while the Patriot Act is being debated in an election year.
The Democrats are already lost on this issue. Some Democrats agree the program is essential, some think it is solely an issue of separation of powers, and some think that the President committed an impeachable offense. Here’s my take on this. The Democrats can’t win when it comes to the War on Terror. The public sees the President as being stronger. We learned this in the last election. We also learned that there is a perception that the Democrats lack conviction, and my guess is most people feel that Democrats in their hearts are against the NSA program. So Democrats need to uniformly redirect the frame of this argument to issues of legality. This must not be blended with the issue of the Patriot Act and fighting a war on terror. A blending of this sort indicates that the Republicans have successfully framed the argument.
When the Democrats speak out for congressional or judicial action against the executive branch, the response from Republicans will be swift and severe, claiming that democrats are helping the terrorists. They must find a way to limit the debate to the issue of legality. In doing so, the Democrats will be able to limit criticisms of being soft on terror while demonstrating to their constituents (e.g. me) that they’re not pussies.