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Sunday, November 07, 2004

"Bipartisan" means republican

Two Bush quotes to consider (italics added):

"With the campaign over, Americans are expecting a bipartisan effort and results. I will reach out to everyone who shares our goals and I'm eager to start the work ahead."


"I earned capital in the campaign, political capital, and now I intend to spend it."

What are your thoughts on what these statements mean? The first quote is downright scary. Is that we he means by bipartisan? He’ll only reach out to those who share his goals?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm glad you posted those two comments. I've been stuck on them myself since I saw them in print last week. The first one pretty much sums up the message behind his victory speech; in fact, I'm trying right now to think of a funny and exaggerated, yet succinct, way to deliver his message, but the best way to do it is only through his already shamelessly idiotic quote. I read and heard him say over and over again that it's time for everyone to come together now and support him--to get behind him and help him put his plan into action. Half this country voted for anything but him; I'm not sure a fair consolation would be to back him just because he asked nicely. It's so very impolite of you to ask, Mr. Bush, but no thanks.

The second one is even worse as far as I'm concerned. I'm still not sure as to its exact meaning, but it sounds to me like he's saying that because he didn't steal the election this time, he's going to step a little less lightly over our faces as he strips the US of its progressive identity. Can't wait.

I think your post title says it exactly: "Bipartisan" means "Republican" to him. I'm excited to have, again, a world (and spiritual too, I guess) leader with such an open mind.


9:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In my opinion, the spirit of those words can only come to light in the following words spewed by my friend Karl Rove yesterday in Meet the Press.

“Keep in mind that there is a requirement. The American people were told certain things by this president during the campaign and he wants to fulfill those pledges. But it's a complex system we live in to think the actions that we take have consequences beyond the years in which we serve, and we all have an obligation to do what is best for our country”.

Those are truly words of wisdom. The issue is who can really be the judge of what's best for our country. I’m sorry but I only hear the Bipartisan (Republican) voice in this. In addition, he is already prepping the field for coming up with the reasons why W may not deliver as he promised on the grounds that the results may not be for the good of the country.


12:13 PM  
Blogger Maya said...

Right on dude

10:57 PM  

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